Course syllabus
Basic Information
Instructor: Chris Kottke
Office: 455 Lake Hall
Office Hours: M 12:30-1:30, W 10:30-11:30, Th 10:30-11:30 or by appointment.
Text: Worldwide Multivariable Calculus, by David B. Massey. PDF and printed versions available at:
Exercises: Exercises will be assigned after every lecture, but will not be collected.
Homework: Homework will be assigned periodically and will be collected and graded.
Quizzes: There will be five (30 minute or so) in-class quizzes. The dates will be announced later. If classes are cancelled due to snow, or for other official reasons, any scheduled quiz will occur on the next class meeting.
Final Exam: There will be a final exam in this course, which will be cumulative. Date and time: Thursday April 24th, 3:30-5:30pm.
Grading: The course grade will be determined as follows: Final exam: 40%, Homework: 10%, Quizzes: 50%. See the pdf version of the syllabus for letter grade designations.
Tutoring: The Mathematics Department Tutoring Center is in Room 540B, Nightingale Hall. This is walk-in tutoring; no appointment is necessary. The College of Engineering also provides tutoring for Calculus. The times and location are to be determined.
Course TAs: Brian Hepler, Toni Rangachev, and Gufang Zhao
Recitation: Wednesday, 2:50-4:30pm, 102 West Village
Issues with the course/instructor: If you have issues with this course and/or instructor which you are not comfortable discussing with your instructor, you should contact the course coordinator, Prof. Topalov