Homework Assignments
- Due Fri. 12/2: Problem set 10.
Updated 11/30 to correct a typo in problem 2. Thanks to Keith and Huanzong for catching this.
- Due Fri. 11/18: Problem set 9.
Updated 11/13 to correct a typo in problem 1. Thanks to Sarah for catching this.
- Due Fri. 11/11: Problem set 8.
Just 3 problems for the moment, perhaps more to come.
- Due Fri. 11/4: Problem set 7.
Updated 11/3 to correct typos in problems 3 and 4. Thanks to Anthony for catching this.
- Due Mon. 10/24 Problem set 6.
Update Due date changed to Monday 10/24.
I'm using a different edition of the book at home, so the page and theorem numbers referenced in the book could be wrong.
- Due Fri. 10/14 Problem set 5.
Updated 10/11: Problem 5 is now part of the problem set -- no longer extra credit.
- Due Fri. 10/7: Problem set 4.
Updated to correct a typo in problem 4. Thanks to Huanzhong for catching this.
- Due Fri. 9/30: Problem set 3.
- Due Fri. 9/23: Problem set 2.
- Due Fri. 9/16: Ch. 1, Problems 1.9(a,c), 1.10(a,c), 1.14, 1.15, 1.18, 1.23(a,d), 1.25(a,c), 1.26. Assignment also available here.